I have read the rules and conditions for the activity. I acknowledge that my participation in La Marche, organized by the Au Diapason Foundation, can involve some risks. I understand and accept freely all risks associated with my participation in this activity. I agree not to hold responsible in any way the Au Diapason Foundation, La Marche or any other organization associated with it, the organizers of the event, volunteers, sponsors, partners and employees and any other person participating or present in the activity, for any injuries sustained, damage, loss or theft caused by my participation, or the participation of my child. I authorize La Fondation Au Diapason to use pictures taken of me during the event for the promotion of La Marche/La Course. This also applies to minors for whom I sign the release of responsibility.
Thank you for your generosity!
Terms and conditions
Consent to release information
Your personal information is confidential and secure. I agree that the information contained in this form is communicated to the financial institution, to the extent that such disclosure is directly related and necessary for the proper implementation of rules on payment by credit card or bank transfer. I acknowledge that I have read and I agree to the terms of change, cancellation and refund as set forth in this authorization.
Change, cancellation or refund
Please note that we do not normally refund. For any questions, concerns or if you need to discuss a refund, please contact us.
The Au Diapason Foundation supports both L'Équipe d'accompagnement and La Maison Au Diapason, which offer free specialized care and services to patients and families confronted with illness and bereavement.