Fonds pour Action Canada

To support the leadership development activities offered by the Action Canada Foundation

As an initiative of former Action Canada Fellows, this endowment fund was established in 2023 to create a stable and sustainable source of income to which all the Action Canada (AC) family and friends can contribute in order to support the development of leadership for Canada's future.

By creating this endowment fund, we also wished to:

- honor AC's founders and their legacy;
- engage and unite the alumni; and
- celebrate AC’s 20 years of existence.

Donations received are deposited at and managed by the Foundation of Greater Montreal.  The capital created is invested and only investment revenues are used to support AC’s activities.

Thank you for your contribution and for putting “Action” into Action Canada.

Confidentiality of your donation
Subtotal: Total:

The donation deposited in the Fund will be reduced by the transaction fee (between 2% and 3%). A Canadian tax receipt will be issued for any amount of 20$ and over. For now, only Canadian credit cards are accepted.