Achieved : $5,960
Objective : $250,000

The fundraising competition closes on May 22 at 8:00 p.m. but the platform will remain open for donations

- The Derby 2025

The Let’s Bond collective, made up of 60 engaged young professionals, has chosen mental health as its cause in order to promote dialogue and break down taboos.

Let’s Bond’s vision will always be to be at the heart of a society where mental health issues are perceived and treated the same way as any other physical illness, so that those who suffer from them can live without the fear of judgment. To bring this vision to life, Let’s Bond has made it its mission, since 2011, to foster dialogue about mental health to break taboos, raise awareness within its community—particularly in Montreal's business sector—and create unifying events to raise significant funds to support its partner foundations working in prevention, research, and rehabilitation.


The fundraising competition closes on May 22 at 8:00 p.m. but the platform will remain open for donations

- The Derby 2025

The Let’s Bond collective, made up of 60 engaged young professionals, has chosen mental health as its cause in order to promote dialogue and break down taboos.

Let’s Bond’s vision will always be to be at the heart of a society where mental health issues are perceived and treated the same way as any other physical illness, so that those who suffer from them can live without the fear of judgment. To bring this vision to life, Let’s Bond has made it its mission, since 2011, to foster dialogue about mental health to break taboos, raise awareness within its community—particularly in Montreal's business sector—and create unifying events to raise significant funds to support its partner foundations working in prevention, research, and rehabilitation.
