Fondation Santé Baie-des-Chaleurs
I’m pushing my limits for my Hospital!
Alone or in a group, take up a challenge that reflects who you are. Be creative! The sky’s the limit! And raise funds for your Hospital.
The pandemic has left its mark on hospital life. Health workers are burnt out. COVID-19 has underlined the urgent need for new technologies.
To say nothing of the impact on the population… One-quarter of adults are showing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Patients are coming in with conditions that are worse than what we were seeing 20 years ago!
Your Hospital needs YOU so that it can reduce waiting lists and provide the right care at the right time.
You have until September 24 to complete your challenge and raise donations for your Hospital priority needs!
What will your challenge be?
Top donateurs
Cruche $1,437.99
AMT Collecte 2023 $834.35
Steve Rioux $300
Marie-Claude Poulin $250
Michel Leblanc $250
I’m pushing my limits for my Hospital!
Alone or in a group, take up a challenge that reflects who you are. Be creative! The sky’s the limit! And raise funds for your Hospital.
The pandemic has left its mark on hospital life. Health workers are burnt out. COVID-19 has underlined the urgent need for new technologies.
To say nothing of the impact on the population… One-quarter of adults are showing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Patients are coming in with conditions that are worse than what we were seeing 20 years ago!
Your Hospital needs YOU so that it can reduce waiting lists and provide the right care at the right time.
You have until September 24 to complete your challenge and raise donations for your Hospital priority needs!
What will your challenge be?