Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

Note that you will be able to unsubscribe at any moment.

Note that you will be able to unsubscribe at any moment.

(Provide additionnal fees)

The one wished to be paired with.

Note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you are alone, but desire to do the parcour in tandem, we could pair you with another participant.

1- Very active person with high intensity trainings (5 training periods or more per week)
2- Active person with high intensity trainings (3-4 training periods per week)
3- Active person without high intensity trainings (2-3 training periods per week)
4- Not active persone (Rare and irregular training)
5- No physical activity at all

Note that you will be able to unsubscribe to any moment.

The kayaks are from Boréal Design. Simple kayak : , Double kayak .

Please note that you can unsubscribe at any time.

We will send you a form in May to reserve your hotel room. All reservations are made in our partner hotels via the Desgagnés Kayak Challenge team.

Online donation forms

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call us at +1 418 525-5400 #224

List of web forms

Thanks for choosing the secure online donations system of Young Musicians of the World!

This form will enable you to subscribe to the KSV Child Sponsorship Program.

By sponsoring a child at the Kalkeri Sangeet Vidyalaya, the Young Musicians of the World school in India, you will be taking part in an endeavour which supports nearly 220 youngsters from socially marginalised and economically disadvantaged backgrounds to realise their full potential and attain better life through free education in Indian classical music and academic subjects.

Your invaluable contribution will support a child for his/her academic education, music studies and extracurricular activities. In return, you will have the opportunity to correspond with your sponsored child and to follow his/her development. Thus, you will be able to perceive the real impact of your support to the child and the organization in general.