Tribute Giving

A gift in honour of a loved one adds a special meaning of caring to your own wishes for success and happiness. This type of gift can be made to highlight any joyous occasion; baptisms, marriages, graduations, birthdays, or to celebrate retirement.

Personal information
Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation came into force on July 1, 2014. This legislation governs electronic communications between organizations and individuals. To comply with the regulatory provisions, the Mira Foundation would like to obtain your consent in order to send you its communications by email. You may withdraw your consent at any time by writing at
Information about the person you wish to honor
TOTAL amount
No payment methods available

When your transaction is completed, you will receive a confirmation email in which you will find a link to access your receipt. If you don't receive the confirmation email, be sure to check your spam folder.

Organization's registration number: 
11892 4232 RR0001
Time remaining in your session: 20 Time remaining in your session: 20