Denise Deby


Please join me in supporting this year's Walk to End ALS!

I'm participating to help raise funds for ALS Quebec, which provides services for people with ALS and their families, and supports research to find treatments.

I'm walking in solidarity with my friend Norman MacIsaac and his family, and with everyone affected by this terrible disease.

Please consider donating to and/or joining us! Your help is very much appreciated.

Récolté : 510 $
Objectif : 200 $


Please join me in supporting this year's Walk to End ALS!

I'm participating to help raise funds for ALS Quebec, which provides services for people with ALS and their families, and supports research to find treatments.

I'm walking in solidarity with my friend Norman MacIsaac and his family, and with everyone affected by this terrible disease.

Please consider donating to and/or joining us! Your help is very much appreciated.

01-06-2024 100 $
Colleen Osiowy

Thank you for participating!

31-05-2024 30 $

Such a worthy cause. And thank you for introducing us to Norm!

27-05-2024 250 $
Roy Smith
09-05-2024 30 $
Chris and Don

Go Denise Go!

08-05-2024 100 $
Denise Deby