Tool box

Your Account

If you don't already have a Logizone account, you need to create one, which will take a few minutes. Afterward, you can log in or stay logged in with a password.

Create a New Account

Press 'New user, create an account for me' and follow the steps.

Already Have an Active Account

By clicking on the 'Login' tab in the top right corner, you can access your account. Enter your username and password. You can then click on "Sign up" and follow the steps.

Once you're registered:

Personalize your fundraising page by adding a profile picture and a welcome message.

Communicate via email with your contacts. Whether inviting acquaintances to register or encouraging them to donate, you can compose and send messages. You can use the provided message template or create one yourself.

Track the progress of your fundraising. You can also refer to it to see who has responded positively to your call and which contacts deserve a follow-up. You can record cash or check donations received.

Accumulate Your Hours (optional)

Although the event is friendly, you can calculate your 6 hours of physical activity and share it with us.

Join the Heart Foundation club on Strava to track your physical activity hours with us!